The process for conducting Environmentally-Regulated Materials Surveys is one that requires a high level of organization, accuracy, and understanding of building systems to protect the health and safety of the project trades, building occupants, and visitors. Part of that organization process is plotting samples taken during the survey process. Pictured here are Citadelians Jorge Romero & Jim Berardino, Certified Site-Surveillance Technicians, performing a quality control of plotted samples for a Demolition-Level ERM Survey.
Citadel provided Environmentally-Regulated Materials (ERMs) consulting services consisting of a pre-demolition ERM survey at the two public properties located in Los Angeles, California (Project Site). The ERM survey consisted of sampling and identification of asbestos containing materials, lead-containing components, poly-chlorinated biphenyl applications, and other universal waste items. The first building was a 12-story tower with a 2-level subterranean parking garage, totaling approximately 155,000 square feet. The second building was a 4-story building totaling approximately 52,000 square feet. In total, 775 asbestos bulk samples were collected and submitted for analysis.
As-built drawings (architectural, structural, HVAC and plumbing drawings) were reviewed to determine the extent that suspect asbestos-containing materials/asbestos-containing construction materials (ACMs/ACCMs) may be present on HVAC and plumbing systems or concealed behind walls, ceilings, or mechanical chases, and to assist in determining approximate quantities of ERMs (it’s not what you can see that is the problem, it’s the concealed materials that you can’t see are what wrecks projects).
Citadel assigned experienced Certified Asbestos Consultants (CAC) and Certified Site-Surveillance Technicians (CSST) management and field personnel to the project that thoroughly understand the built environment – how buildings are built, operated, and eventually deconstructed. After completing a site walk, bulk samples of suspect ACMs/ACCMs were collected, and noted where each sample was taken on drawings prepared by Citadel. After plotting samples, they were sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis for asbestos content by polarized light microscopy (PLM).”
The old adage applies, “garbage in/garbage out.” Accurate and thorough surveys are the foundation of any successful renovation, tenant improvement, fire/life-safety/suspect upgrade or demolition project. Without one, budgets and schedules are blown, people are exposed to hazardous materials, and clients face liabilities and reputational risk. Project-specific and adequately scoped projects are essential.
If you are anticipating demolition or renovation for your next project, contact Kier Deleo, our principal of building sciences, to walk you through the environmental processes you will need to adhere to.