Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) is the Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Review Act of 1989 and requires hazardous waste generators to consider source reduction as the preferred method of managing hazardous waste. Source reduction is preferable over recycling and treatment options because source reduction avoids waste generation costs and management liabilities, and provides the best protection for public health and the environment.
A facility is subject to SB 14 requirements if they are a large quantity generator, i.e. they generate over 12,000 kilograms of hazardous waste or extremely hazardous waste during a calendar year. Exempted waste streams include, but are not limited to, motor vehicle fluids and filters, lead acid batteries, household hazardous wastes, waste pesticides, oil generated from decommissioned refrigeration units, universal wastes, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, demolition waste, and medical wastes.
SB 14 documents include the Hazardous Waste Source Reduction Evaluation Review and Plan (Plan), the Hazardous Waste Management Performance Report (Performance Report), and the Summary Progress Report (SPR). A generator that meets the definition of a “small business” may submit a Compliance Checklist and a Biennial Generator Report in lieu of the Plan and Performance Report, respectively; however, all generators must prepare an SPR. The SB 14 documents are required to be updated every four years by September 1, following the reporting year.
If the SB 14 documents were prepared for the 2018 reporting year, the documents will need to be updated by September 1, 2023, for the 2022 reporting year.
California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Article 11.9
About Citadel EHS
Citadel EHS has over 30 years of experience in supporting our clients with their environmental compliance needs and guiding them through the different regulatory processes. Our Environmental Compliance practice, led by Principal Nalinna Rasu, is here for your SB 14 reporting needs, including plan preparation, hazardous waste evaluation, training, and plan implementation.
Meet the expert!
Nalinna Rasu, CAC, CDPH, CHMM, LEED AP
Principal, Environmental Compliance
Glendale | Irvine | Valencia | Long Beach | San Diego | Oakland | Walnut Creek | Grass Valley
Our mailing address is:
1725 Victory Blvd | Glendale | California | 91201