California Commercial Real Estate

California Commercial Real Estate Services manages the Be Well Irvine Campus Project, which is a proposed campus in the City of Irvine, California. The proposed Be Well campus aims to fill a critical need for mental health and substance abuse treatment for Orange County residents. The Site lies within and adjacent to the southwestern border of the former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro. The Site buildings were previously occupied as warehouses, storage, offices, and training facilities where consumable goods, equipment, and raw materials used at former MCAS El Toro passed through. The Site buildings were decommissioned in 1999.
As part of the Be Well Campus redevelopment plans, the Site buildings were scheduled to be demolished. Citadel performed comprehensive Environmentally Regulated Materials (ERMs) survey of the buildings and prepared Procedure 5 Notification documents for submittal to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to demonstrate compliance with Rule 1403. These documents included but were not limited to, drawings that graphically depicted area and materials to be abated/removed, quantities of materials to be abated/removed, and notes referencing abatement methodologies to be employed.
Our environmental professionals did a walk-through visual inspection of the buildings then followed up with:
- Sampling of asbestos-containing materials/asbestos-containing construction materials (ACMs/ACCMs)
- Testing lead containing materials (LCMs) with an X-Ray Florescence Spectrum Analysis (XRF-SA)
Citadel then provided asbestos and lead abatement oversight and clearances during removal of identified ACMs/ACCMs and LCMs.
Citadel also provided environmental services consisting of perimeter dust monitoring at the Site during excavation and grading operations to demonstrate compliance with SCAQMD Rules 403 and 1466.
Our environmental professionals obtained the necessary monitoring devices and peripherals and installed the monitors and associated equipment at one upwind and one downwind location. The monitors continuously recorded PM10 data for the duration of the excavation and grading operations. PM10 is particulate matter ten (10) micrometers or less in diameter. Citadel compared the data to ensure no exceedances occurred and provided sufficient warning to implement corrective measures if PM10 concentrations exceeded the 25 µg/m3 for Rule 1466 and 50 µg/m3 for Rule 403 limits, calculated as the difference between the upwind and downwind monitoring points.
Additionally, our environmental professionals assumed the responsibilities of the On-Site Dust Control Supervisor, which included but were not limited to performing inspections of the dust monitoring equipment to ensure proper working conditions, performing calibration and precisions tests, recording earth-moving activities and volume of soil generated, and inspecting and logging stockpiles.
As consultants, we approached the project with the intent of helping California Commercial Real Estate Services demonstrate compliance with multiple regulatory requirements, including SCAQMD Rule 1403, 403, and 1466.