KPRS Construction Services, Inc., City of Jurupa Valley

Citadel was contracted by KPRS Construction Services, Inc. to provide environmental services consisting of perimeter dust monitoring at the Agua Mansa Commerce Park, former Riverside Cement Plant, located at 1500 Rubidoux Boulevard in the City of Jurupa Valley, California. The Site consists of approximately 282 acres of land and is currently being constructed with six warehouse distribution structures with associated utilities and parking. The Site was under 13 separate California Land Reuse and Revitalization Act (CLRRA) agreements with the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for the proposed redevelopment project. As part of this CLRRA agreement, air and dust monitoring activities were deemed necessary.


The perimeter dust monitoring consisted of mobilizations to acquire and install necessary monitoring devices and peripherals required for the project, weekly inspections and maintenance of monitoring equipment, monitoring data for exceedances related to South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1466, and preparation of weekly reports. The equipment included the following: Dust Trak Aerosol Monitors for PM10 monitoring, heated inlets, security enclosure for monitors, Netronix Datalogger, solar panels with battery packs, and a weather station. The PM10 concentrations were collected continuously and remote access to the data was available 24 hours a day for the duration of the project. The PM10 data was then compared to the SCAQMD Rule 1466 standard of 25 µg/m3, as calculated to be the difference between the 2-hour rolling average PM10 concentration of the upwind and downwind stations.

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