Rio Hondo College

Citadel EHS (Citadel) provided environmental compliance consulting support to Rio Hondo College (Rio Hondo) to help correct and abate violations issued by the local CUPA, the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Services included preparing a Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP), assisting with hazardous waste tank system inspections, preparing applicable SB-14 plans (Summary Progress Report, Hazardous Waste Management Report, and Source Reduction Plan), performing a hazardous waste tank system assessment including certification by a professional engineer, and performing a hazardous waste characterization assessment of the welding fumes collection system.
Citadel worked closely with the CUPA regulator and Rio Hondo representatives to resolve any open items in a timely manner. This included frequent communication, providing written correspondence of findings, and developing programs, procedures and plans for Rio Hondo to implement on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, as the trusted environmental consultant for Rio Hondo, Citadel assisted with any additional compliance items that arose. This included the annual submittal of the HMBP through the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS), and assistance in the preparation of the SCAQMD Annual Emissions Report (AER).