Long Beach Civic Center - Environmental Health & Safety

The Long Beach Civic Center has been in need of updating, from an aesthetic, functional, and Environmental Health & Safety perspective. For a site area with 395,585 square feet and only 40 days, our team was tasked with conducting Environmentally Regulated Materials Surveys (ERM) to determine what elements could impact a massive redevelopment project by Clark Construction.

Our team succeeded in identifying asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, universal wastes, and ozone-depleting substances in the City Hall building and Main Library, and in performing asbestos abatement services beneath Lincoln Park and other paved areas. Our Senior Project Manager, a California Certified Asbestos Consultant with 23+ years of experience also assigned various specialists and technicians to complete testing on site—the outcome was of great importance to Clark Construction as all bulk sampling met or exceeded EPA, Cal/OSHA, and SCAQMD requirements for asbestos, and all EPA, Cal/OSHA, and Cal/DPH requirements for lead.

Long Beach, CA

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