Confidential Client Major Los Angeles Asphalt & Petroleum Refinery

In a competitive solicitation in which relevant experience and historical safety performance were highly valued, Citadel EHS was selected to perform a range of environmental compliance and oversight services associated with demolition and decommissioning activities involved with the conversion of a major asphalt and petroleum refinery to a biofuels refining facility.

Citadel’s scope of services for this contract includes existing building documentation review, review of abatement contractor work plans, ambient dust/particulate air monitoring, soil monitoring and oversight, soil waste characterization sampling, , hazardous materials abatement monitoring, close-out reporting, project planning meetings and technical support as needed.

For this active, on-going, high-visibility project, Citadel’s scope also includes construction safety, personal exposure monitoring, storm water compliance services (e.g. SWPPP), mitigation monitoring measure assistance related to greenhouse gas emissions, and additional ambient monitoring parameters, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and noise. 

Citadel has been on-site for over a year of this multi-year-long project, and has a flawless safety record to date (zero reportables).

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