Working alongside Jensen & Partners, an L.A.-based construction management firm, our team of environmental site assessors was contracted for a Voluntary Seismic Improvements project for the Valley Presbyterian Hospital.
We provided environmentally-regulated materials consulting services for a project site consisting of three multi-story buildings Our survey findings assisted the project team in mitigating the hazards in areas that required reinforcement of structural components; restrooms were also renovated with accessibility upgrades across several floors. We assigned a California-State Certified Site Surveillance Technician and a Cal/DPH-Certified Lead Inspector to perform all abatement monitoring and testing on site, resulting in bulk sampling that met or exceeded EPA, SCAQMD, Cal/OSHA, and Cal/DPH requirements for asbestos and lead. In their pre-construction assessment, our BSci team further identified lead-containing materials that could impact worker health. Even with occupied rooms in the building, our team was able to navigate this challenge, conducting limited intrusive surveying techniques to identify all risks prior to the seismic renovations.
Van Nuys, CA