City of Industry and Chino, California

Citadel EHS (Citadel) provided environmental compliance consulting services to assist a nationwide retail client (Client) with the regulatory requirements as outlined in the SCAQMD Rule 2305 (WAIRE Program) for their warehouse properties located in the City of Industry and Chino, California. The Client’s warehouse properties are located within the jurisdiction of the SCAQMD and are subject to applicability under this rule, which was adopted on May 7, 2021.
Citadel reviewed truck trip data provided by the Client to calculate the Weighted Annual Truck Trips (WATTs) and determine their WAIRE Points Compliance Obligation (WPCO) for the 2022 reporting period for both properties. Citadel prepared and submitted the Initial Site Information Reports (ISIRs), which included information pertaining to warehouse sizes, number of truck trips within the previous reporting period, number of trucks anticipated during the reporting period, anticipated actions to meet the WPCO, and details on potential onsite equipment such as owned or leased truck fleet, onsite alternative fueling stations, yard trucks, and onsite emergency generation systems. Citadel then prepared and submitted the 2022 Annual WAIRE Reports (AWRs), which included information from the ISIRs, number of WAIRE Points earned for each action, and associated metrics for the WAIRE Menu actions used to earn WAIRE Points.
Citadel will continue to assist the Client with the upcoming 2023 AWRs, as well as assist the Client is developing strategies to collect more accurate truck trip data for the next reporting period, evaluate feasibility of various WAIRE Menu options, and potentially develop a Custom WAIRE Plan for SCAQMD review and approval.