WELL Building Standard
- WELL Performance Verification (WELL PV)
- The WELL Building Standard is focused on Health & Wellbeing in the built environment. The performance-driven certification process requires on-site testing and observations as a formal milestone for recognition, called WELL Performance Verification, that is completed by contracting directly with an approved Performance Testing Organization like Citadel. This scope of work includes sampling and site observations for all Preconditions requiring on-site verification, as well as any pursued Optimizations.
BREEAM Certification
- BREEAM In-Use Assessments
- BREEAM In-Use is a comprehensive recognition scheme focused on high performance existing buildings, that requires an on-site observation from a licensed BREEAM In-Use assessor. The program allows project teams to contract directly with Assessment organizations to document the assessment milestone for certification, known under BREEAM as a verified score. Citadel is a licensed assessor organization, and can provide on-site assessment and BREEAM In-Use documentation support for buildings and portfolios.
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) testing
The following scopes or work include technical Indoor Air, Water, Thermal Comfort, Lighting, and Sound testing/sampling to support your approach to green building and health & wellbeing certification programs. Additionally, Citadel can support ventilation assessments through various means, and is a preferred partner and provider of the SafeTraces® sampling approach to demonstrating ventilation effectiveness.
- WELL Building Standard – Annual/Ongoing Testing (Air, Water, Thermal Comfort)
- WELL Health-Safety – Air and Water Quality Testing (Air, Water)
- Fitwel – Indoor Air Quality testing
- Fitwel – Water Quality testing
- LEED BD+C Indoor Environmental Quality – Construction IAQ Management Plan
- LEED BD+C Indoor Environmental Quality – Indoor Air Quality Assessment (Indoor Air)
- LEED BD+C Indoor Environmental Quality – Acoustic Performance (Sound)
- LEED BD+C Indoor Environmental Quality – Daylighting Performance Assessment (Light)
- LEED O+M Indoor Environmental Quality Credit for Indoor Air Quality Assessment (Indoor Air Quality sampling for LEEDv4 or LEEDv4.1)
- LEED-O+M Indoor Air Quality Management Program Training
- BREEAM In-Use – Indoor Air Quality or Water Quality assessments (Air, Water)
- Living Building Challenge – Pre- and Post- Construction (Air)
- ENERGYSTAR – IEQ inspection (Air, Thermal Comfort, Light)
- SafeTraces® Ventilation Effectiveness Assessment
- Legionella Risk Management or Testing
- Ventilation Assessment
GRESB and ESG (see ESG and Sustainability page for general ESG Advisory and GRESB consulting services)
Citadel can also provide technical support for portfolios pursuing ESG goals and/or reporting across their buildings and square footage. The below scopes of work include technical air quality, development and deconstruction, greenhouse gas tracking, and general indoor environmental quality advisory support services for portfolios, campuses or building funds.
- Indoor Environmental Quality Technical Assessment
- Health & Wellness program alignment
- Development risk management plans (for example: Development Sustainability checklist focused on healthy materials selection, Construction IAQ Management Plan, Visible Emissions and Dust Control Plans, etc)
- AB32 Compliance Consulting
- General Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Consulting
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management